Apply for a Grant


The Community Foundation for Kingston & Area holds over 240 endowment funds from which it makes charitable grants to support projects and organizations in our communities. We have four different granting programs, each with its own set of criteria, granting area, and application process.

Click on the links below to find program-specific information, eligibility criteria, and information on the application process and deadlines.

General Eligibility for All Grants

The following eligibility requirements apply to all granting programs. In addition, each grant program has its own eligibility criteria (including granting area) so please review each program’s requirements carefully before applying.

  • Any applicant organization must be a charity registered with Canada Revenue Agency or formally partnered with an organization that is either a charity registered with Canada Revenue Agency or a municipality.
  • The applicant organization must have a strong community presence in the geographic area we serve through a local Board of Directors, a local, well-defined accountable committee, or a local office with strong community involvement.
  • All applications involving activities with primary and secondary schools must be accompanied by a Letter of Permission from the relevant School Board(s).
  • Any overdue final reports for previously completed projects funded by the Foundation must have been received.  

Our Granting Programs

Community Grants Program
supports projects across the  KFL&A region, in our fields of interest: Arts & Culture, Children’s Mental Health, Community Development, Education & Literacy, Environment, Health & Social Services, Heritage Preservation, Recreation, and Youth. Applicants in the City of Kingston, all four Frontenac Townships and Loyalist Township may apply in March and October. In Spring 2024, the Community Grants program granted over $329,000 to 26 projects.  The average Program Grant was $13,426, the average Operations Grant was $13,910, and the average Equipment grant was $6,353.

The Stark Family Fund Grants Program supports a broad spectrum of initiatives within Prince Edward County. In 2024, over $60,000 was granted to 10 community initiatives at 10 County region organizations, with the average grant being $6,307.

Nan Yeomans Grant for Artistic Development Program is administered by the Kingston Arts Council and funded by Nan Yeomans Fund held at the Community Foundation for Kingston & Area.

John Gerretsen Youth Leadership Award is a fund held at the Community Foundation and administered by Pathways to Education Kingston. The award is valued up to $2,000 and it supports the leadership development of students in Grades 9 – 12 , from Kingston and the Islands publically-funded schools, who would like to further develop their leadership skills.

The Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul Community Impact Fund  seeks to achieve transformative, sustainable, systems-level change in two issue areas:
(1) Help prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), mitigate the impacts of ACEs, and build resiliency generally in children, families, and our community at large; and
(2) Reduce older adult’s social isolation and foster connection and belonging for older adults generally.

Regina Rosen Food First Fund Program granted $154,430 to various local community organizations addressing food insecurity. Note: This grant program is under review by CFKA’s Grants Strategy & Impact Committee. We anticipate having an update for early Fall 2024.


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Community Foundation for Kingston & Area