New Addition for the Summer

New Addition for the Summer

New Addition for the Summer The Foundation hires a summer student through the Canada Summer Jobs program. We are pleased to welcome Dana Mitchell to the Community Foundation team this summer!Dana, a recent graduate from Queen’s University, will be filling the role of...
Board Updates

Board Updates

Board Updates The Community Foundation welcomes new board member and says goodbye to a long-standing contributor and colleague.  At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in June, we welcomed Sue Bates to the Foundation’s Board of Directors. Sue joined the Community...
New Strategic Plan for 2018-2024

New Strategic Plan for 2018-2024

New Strategic Plan for 2018-2024 The strategic planning process undertaken in 2018 culminated in a new Strategic Plan for 2018-2024. We worked with Board, staff, and diverse focus groups to establish a collective vision of the Community Foundation of the future and...
Community Foundation for Kingston & Area