Tha’teioneniienawa’khontie: In the Spirit of Cooperation

Jun 28, 2021 | Donor Stories, Featured, Foundation News/Updates

An anonymous donor commemorates the lives of Indigenous children lost at residential schools through the Tha’teioneniienawa’khontie: In the Spirit of Cooperation Fund

Our hearts are heavy as we continue to learn of the hundreds of children buried in unmarked graves on former residential school grounds. It is an atrocity, and our hearts are with Indigenous communities.

In a time of such pain, we wanted to share a gesture of love that these horrific events inspired.

We were approached by a local community member who was moved by the memorial of 215 shoes at Kingston City Hall and the sacred fire that burned across the street.  This person spent some time with the organizers and shared that it was “a beautiful, moving tribute that speaks truth directly to everyone’s hearts.”

They proceeded to make a $10,000 anonymous donation to the Tha’teioneniienawa’khontie: In the Spirit of Cooperation Fund with the following message:

With our donation we would like join in the spirit of this wonderful fund as way to honor these 215 children and the many that remain to be brought home. They bring a message straight to the hearts of all caring compassionate citizens. We hope in some small way it says to anyone out there; that they were loved and never forgotten. “

The Tha’teioneniienawa’khontie: In the Spirit of Cooperation Fund was established at the Foundation last year by another anonymous donor. The fund name (click here for phonetic pronunciation) and purpose were established in consultation with local Indigenous community leaders. You can read more about the fund here:

While funding is not the only answer to the reconciliation and reparation that is needed, it is an important part.  The donor thought that instead of a few large donors, it would be more heartwarming and impactful if hundreds of small donors showed support for the fund.

We invite you to make a gift of any amount to show your support as well.  To make a gift to this fund, please click the following link:

There is still much work to do as this country moves towards reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. We encourage you to continue to learn and think about other individual actions you can take to support the Truth and Reconciliation process. Visit the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada’s website to see their final report and calls to action at


275 Ontario Street Suite #100
Kingston, ON K7K 2X5
Phone: 613.546.9696
Fax: 613.531.9238

Community Foundation for Kingston & Area