Speaker Series March 27th: Building Smart & Caring Communities with a strong Foundation

Mar 9, 2017

“How big is our impact locally and how can you help shape the future of your local Community Foundation?”

Did you know…

  • Community foundations across Canada collectively hold over $4.8 Billion in assets;
  • In 2015 alone community foundations granted over $215 Million;
  • Collectively, we are the largest contributors to Canadian charities supporting thousands of community initiatives each year;
  • More than just granters, we’re community builders and connectors.

Building Smart & Caring Communities with a strong Foundation

Join us for lunch March 27th as we explore the role of Community Foundations in building, supporting and shaping our communities.

This speaker series we’re taking a different approach and turning the spotlight on…us!

Come and learn more about the work of community foundations nationally and internationally, and take a deeper look at the work we do locally. We will explore the impact we have had on our local community to date, what’s next, and what’s possible….

Guest speaker Marco Pagani, President & CEO of the Community Foundation of Ottawa, will join us to share their Foundation’s growth story and some of the innovative work they have been doing in the areas of food security and social entrepreneurship.

Come. Learn. Connect. Great things happen when we connect and share ideas and aspirations…

Tickets: $25.00 each (covers the cost of a great lunch by Tulips and Maple).
Additional donations welcome.

We hope to see you there!

Click HERE for Registration.

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Kingston, ON K7L 2Y6
Phone: 613.546.9696
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Email: info@cfka.org
Community Foundation for Kingston & Area