Not All Aging is the Same – Speaker Series Nov 13

Oct 30, 2017

Aging in Canada means that we are living longer, better and healthier but many are also living longer with chronic illness and disability or frailty.

What can we as individuals and communities do to make the aging process as positive as possible, and protect the most vulnerable amongst us? What social adjustments can we make to adapt our society to meet the needs of our growing population of seniors living with frailty? 

Foremost, how do we change from our thinking that aging and frailty are health care issues to recognize that they are social and community issues?

Join us as we continue the conversation on aging started with our Vital Signs 2017 report exploring “Are We Aging Well?” (Download a copy here)


John Muscedere MD, FRCPC is a Professor of Medicine at Queen’s University and an Intensivist at Kingston General Hospital in Kingston, Ontario Canada. Dr. Muscedere is the Scientific Director for the Networks of Centers of Excellence (NCE) funded Canadian Frailty Network (CFN). CFN is dedicated to improving care for frail elderly Canadians, estimated at over 1 million people. Frailty is associated with poor outcomes including increased mortality, decreased quality of life and increased healthcare utilization. CFN is increasing the knowledge necessary to improve frailty outcomes and increasing its recognition in the healthcare system.

Wendy Griesdorf, a Kingston lawyer certified by the Law Society of Upper Canada as a Specialist in Trusts and Estates. The founder of Griesdorf & Counsel Estate Litigation and Mediation Professional Corporation, Wendy practices exclusively in the areas of estate litigation and mediation as well as estate and power of attorney mediation. She has lectured and published consistently in her field and in related areas of law, including her most recent topic “Add Love & Simplify: How to Avoid Estate Litigation”.

Date: November 13, 2017
Location: The Residence Inn by Marriott, 7 Earl Street, Kingston 
Time: 11:45 am – 1:30 pm
Tickets: $50 (includes lunch and a $25 charitable receipt)
Or Call: 613.546.9696


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