New Birth Announcement

Feb 19, 2020 | Featured

We’re delighted to announce the birth of our newest family member: Infant Mental Health: Building Resiliency for a Lifetime! Weighing in at $ 10,000, this fund is a welcome addition to our family of funds. We are proud to support the growth and longevity of this new arrival. (If you wish to contribute, please click the link below.) The new fund is expected to grow and support wonderful projects in our community that nurture growing brains and help babies develop into healthy, resilient people.

While new birth announcements are usually a cause for celebration, we know that babies are sometimes born into a world adversity. Through presentations and articles over the past year, CFKA has presented resiliency and mental health as integral to healthy babies, healthy families, and healthy communities.  Dr. Chaya Kulkarni’s compelling presentation at our fall Speaker Series stressed that infant mental health is crucial to the development of healthy children and adults.

That Speaker Series event was the catalyst for this new fund. Participants at the event engaged in lively group discussion and were tasked with presenting ideas on how to support infant mental health in our community. CFKA supporter Alicia Gordon attended the luncheon and she issued a challenge to all attendees: create a fund to help babies in our community. We are excited to announce that Kevin Montroy accepted the challenge: the permanent endowment fund Infant Mental Health: Building Resiliency for a Lifetime is now a reality!

The Canadian Mental Health Association reports that 1 in 5 children and youth in Ontario have a mental health challenge and that 70% of mental health challenges have their onset in childhood or youth. The intent of the Infant Mental Health: Building Resiliency for a Lifetime fund is to support projects and programs in our community that foster the development of strong infant mental health (from prenatal to 36 months).

The ‘birth’ of this fund is something to celebrate!  We are now looking to grow this fund so that it can have significant impact.  Donations of all sizes are welcome.

Want to learn more about infant mental health? Click here for further reading/resources.

275 Ontario Street Suite #100
Kingston, ON K7K 2X5
Phone: 613.546.9696
Fax: 613.531.9238

Community Foundation for Kingston & Area