Enriching Our Community by Supporting the Visual Arts

Dec 16, 2021 | Featured, Foundation News/Updates

Enriching Our Community by Supporting the Visual Arts

Those of you who are familiar with The Kingston Prize will know that it is through the hard work, dedication, and passion of numerous volunteers that Kingston has become the base for a Canada-wide competition and exhibition tour for Canadian portrait painting and drawings. You may have attended some of their local exhibits at the Firehall Theatre in Gananoque (or you can check out their gallery on-line).

But they are about more than just the bi-annual competition. Through their educational programs, The Kingston Prize Association (TKPA) seeks to raise aesthetic taste, knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the art of portraiture.

We are pleased to welcome TKPA to the growing list of charities we hold endowment funds for, in support of their vision and growth into the future.

“The Kingston Prize Association is delighted to be able to take advantage of the Community Foundation’s initiative. Like many arts organizations in Canada, we have had to alter course in many ways due to the pandemic. The new endowment fund will go a long way to help us bring our vision for portraiture in Canada to fruition,” said TKPA Board member Mary Davis Little.

The Kingston Portraiture Endowment Fund will support the ongoing work of The Kingston Prize Association and its work to advance excellence, awareness, and appreciation of Canadian visual art and artists through the genre of portraiture.

In addition to the up to $10,000 match offered by the Foundation, an anonymous donor has stepped up to offer an additional match, so every dollar raised for their fund by December 31st, 2021, will be matched twice. Your $100 donation becomes $300.

Supporting the arts enriches our lives and communities in meaningful ways.

We recognize the enormous challenges that arts organizations and other charities faced as we suffered through the pandemic, and that it is getting harder for charities to fundraise for critical operating funding.  While growing an endowment fund to a size where it contributes a meaningful amount takes time, the only way to get there is to start – and what better way to start than a chance to TRIPLE gifts!

Donations to The Kingston Portraiture Endowment Fund can be made in many convenient ways:

  • on-line through Canada Helps (see donate now button below);
  • by cheque payable to: Community Foundation for Kingston & Area
    with “Kingston Portraiture Fund” in the memo line;
  • by credit card, by calling the Foundation office at 613.546.9696;

or, for maximum tax advantage, gifts of appreciated securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds). Please contact the Community Foundation office for details.

275 Ontario Street Suite #100
Kingston, ON K7K 2X5
Phone: 613.546.9696
Fax: 613.531.9238
Email: info@cfka.org

Community Foundation for Kingston & Area