Tha’teioneniienawa’khontie: In the Spirit of Cooperation

Mar 31, 2020 | Featured, Foundation News/Updates, Fund Updates

Tha’teioneniienawa’khontie: In the Spirit of Cooperation

Phonetically Pronounced: Ta-day-yoon-on-nee-yon-ah-wah’-koon-jay (Click to hear how it is pronounced)

A new fund in honour of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples is now a reality thanks to the recent (and ongoing), journey of learning of a local woman.

History of the Fund
An anonymous donor experienced the growth and transformation that comes from a personal journey, and being open to new experiences, learnings, and perspectives. In July 2019, our donor had the good fortune to witness an Inuit wedding party climb a hill on the vast and stark tundra of Greenland. The bride and groom, dressed in traditional Inuit clothing, walked hand in hand. With them were elders and children of the community. “That sight, those people jumped into my heart and soul” said our new donor.

Her desire for knowledge led her to read extensively about Indigenous Peoples. She read about the horror of residential schools and the beauty and wonder of Indigenous culture and traditions.  As her knowledge grew, so did her respect and admiration of Indigenous Peoples; their resilience and their strength.

When the donor approached former CFKA Executive Director Tina Bailey to discuss a possible donation to establish a fund, it didn’t take long for the discussion to uncover her passion, and the idea of the fund was born!

To help establish the purpose of the fund (which will define what projects the fund will support), a meeting was scheduled with three respected local Indigenous leaders. After a thoughtful and meaningful discussion, the group collectively determined the name of the new fund: Tha’teioneniienawa’khontie, a Mohawk phrase which means ‘In the Spirit of Cooperation’.

The cooperative and respectful spirit of that meeting was a meaningful beginning to the new fund. The intent of the fund was collectively defined:  to support projects led by First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples to nurture the healing and wellness of the Katarokwi community and Indigenous People in the area served by the Community Foundation for Kingston & Area. Projects to support young people will be especially encouraged.

Tha’teioneniienawa’khontie: In the Spirit of Cooperation is a fund created in respect for traditional ways. The donor of the fund believes that by learning from the past, we will help build a better future.

Fund Impact

The grant recipients of the Fund as of September 2023:

  • Queen’s University: Queen’s University Indigenous Land-based Learning STEM (QUILLS)
  • Kingston Indigenous Language Nest (KILN)
  • Great Lakes Museum:  Indigenous-Environmental Inner Harbour Paddle Tour
  • Frontenac County Schools Museum Association: “Three Sisters” Museum Garden Project Extension

275 Ontario Street Suite #100
Kingston, ON K7K 2X5
Phone: 613.546.9696
Fax: 613.531.9238

Community Foundation for Kingston & Area