Giving as a Business

The Community Foundation can assist your business to develop and administer a strategic giving plan that aligns with your corporate priorities and creates a measurable impact in our community. Your company can outsource your entire charitable giving program, or a particular part of it to the Foundation, for expert management and maximum impact.


Create a Fund

Businesses can support the work of the Foundation generally by joining our Community Partners program for as little as $1,000 per year.

Or, you can make a bigger investment by establishing a named Business Advised or Community Fund with a commitment of $10,000 or more. This allows you to create a visible and permanent vehicle for your corporate giving.

With a Business Advised Fund, you pick what charity(ies) your fund will grant to each year; or you can choose to work with our grant team to fund local community projects that have been vetted by our experienced grant review team. These funding options give you a chance to gain broad recognition through your giving.

We are committed to making it as easy as possible for local businesses to create Business Advised Funds.

Click Here to learn more.


Endowment funds that local businesses have established with us include:

  • The Alcan Endowment Fund
    Supports organizations serving North Kingston, with an emphasis on youth and civic activities.
  • The Assante Financial Management- Fenlon Division Endowment Fund
    Supports the philanthropic interests in Kingston and Area of the Assante Financial Management-Fenlon Division financial advisors.
  • Gordon F. Tompkins Funeral Home Children’s Endowment Fund
    Supports services for children in the Kingston area.
  • The Kingston Whig-Standard Literacy Fund
    Dedicated to supporting literacy services for children and adults in The Kingston Whig-Standard’s distribution area.
  • Marin Pest Management Fund
    Supports a wide variety of projects in all fields of interest through our Community Grants program.
  • Woodbury Enterprises We Care Charitable Youth Fund
    Provides a source of support for projects that benefit children and youth.


To explore how we can help your company carry out your philanthropic efforts, contact Stacy Kelly, Executive Director, at or 613.546.9696 Ext 102


Community Foundation for Kingston & Area