Cyber Security and Privacy Risk Management Seminar

Sep 6, 2017

“Issues for non-profits and small companies.”

Data breaches at major retailers, government departments and financial services organizations have sent a clear warning to all Canadian organizations that collect, use and/or disclose personal information about individuals. Consumer perceptions point to an expectation that these entities should take market-leading steps to protect personal and financial data.

This isn’t just a big business issue; good information management practices are necessary in all sizes and types of organizations.  Navigating the increasingly complex issues and regulations related to data can be daunting, especially for non-profits and small organizations or start-ups operating on tight budgets.  Key factors can often be overlooked when organizations are moving online and retaining more of their customers’ personal data than ever before.

What are the key issues your organization should be considering? How can you best protect yourself? The Community Foundation for Kingston & Area invites both for and non-profit organizations to a cybersecurity risk management presentation by leading tech lawyer George Takach, from the McCarthy Tetrault law firm in Toronto. George will offer practical advice on protecting organizational data, including donor/customer information, trade secrets and other critical business information.   For growing tech companies making mistakes early on with intellectual property, product development or software code can have legal and commercial implications, which can hurt their chances of raising capital.  George will also take questions around the current conditions for financing, building/growing, and selling, tech companies.


Registration click here:
Not-For-Profit Organizations: Free
For-Profit Organizations: $25/person

September 26, 2017
Presentation from 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Q&A and Networking 8:00 – 9:00 pm

The Harbour Restaurant
Cash bar, refreshments will be served

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Community Foundation for Kingston & Area