Connecting & Belonging Resources

Aug 18, 2023

We all need connection.
From the moment we are born to the end of our lives, our attachment to others, the relationships we form, and the support we give and receive, all help to build resilience and strengthen lifelong health and wellbeing. To foster resilience in children as well as combat loneliness and isolation among older adults in our community, the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul generously gifted $5 million to CFKA.

With the funding, CFKA is convening two community-based initiatives:

  1. Adverse Childhood Experiences & Resilience Coalition of KFL&A (ARC) is a community-driven coalition bringing together 20 local organizations with a vision of a resilient community to prevent and reduce the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in KFL&A.
  2. Older Adults Connecting & Belonging is a collaboration of 14 local organizations coordinated by CFKA, actively working to establish a comprehensive, community-driven social support system for older adults.

    Event Update: Rural Community Connections: Imagining Strong Ties Across Rural Landscapes
    On April 17th, 2024, the ACEs & Resilience Coalition of KFL&A (ARC), CFKA’s Older Adults Connecting & Belonging Initiative, Rural Frontenac Community Services, and Kingston Community Health Centres hosted a “Rural Community Connections” event in Verona. A group of over 50 rural residents, stakeholders, youth, and agency representatives gathered for a community discussion about connection and belonging.  The enthusiasm in the room was palpable, and spirited discussions found participants of all ages exploring the challenges of isolation, and potential solutions for creating connection and fostering resilience in rural communities. Read the event Report & Findings

Here are some resources and training opportunities to help guide those interested in helping to building connected and resilient communities:

Adverse Childhood Experiences & Resilience Resources

Teach Resilience

Social Enterprise from the Trauma Response Team Leads (T.R.T.L.s) at Pathways to Education, a group of passionate local service providers and working professionals, offering trauma-informed education at an individual, community and systemic level.

A variety of customizable sessions and consulting services available. Certified to teach Community Resilience Initiative ( courses and sessions, including:

  • Course 1: Trauma Informed
  • Course 2: Trauma Supportive

Community Resilience Coalition of Guelph & Wellington

ACEs & Resilience Training
Multiple self-paced online training opportunities, free of charge, including:

    • ACEs & Resilience Core Training
    • Promoting Resilience: A Science-Informed Approach to Decision-Making
    • Reducing Stress & Promoting Resilience in Young Children
    • Promoting Mentally Health Schools and Resilience: Strategies for Educators

ACEs & Resilience Champion Toolkit

  • Created to give ACEs & Resilience Champions resources to support their colleagues and community partners to take meaningful action to address ACEs & take action. Downloadable sections include:
    • What is an ACEs & Resilience Champion?
    • ACEs & Resilience
    • Being and ACEs & Resilience Champion
    • Action for Change: Strengthening how your Organization Approaches ACEs & Resilience
    • Facilitated Discussion Guide for Talking about ACEs and Building Resilience
    • Communication Resource Guide
    • Engaging Clients

Centre on the Developing Child, Harvard University

Introductory guide to the concept of Resilience, including an Overview Video. 

PACEs Connection

The Social Network for the Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACEs) movement, including 40,000+ members worldwide, and supporting community PACEs initiatives.

Alberta Family Wellness Initiative
Resilience Scale

“The resilience scale is a metaphor to explain why some people seem more resilient than others and to help visualize how to improve resilience: the ability to respond positively in the face of adversity”. Explores the science of resilience.

Older Adults Connecting & Belonging Resources

Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health
Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults Fact Sheet

Social Isolation and Loneliness Among Seniors in Vancouver: Strategies for Reduction and Prevention

Government of Canada: Social Isolation of Seniors, Volume 1, Understanding the Issue and Finding Solutions

U.S. National Institute of Health

Government of Australia Strengthening Social Connection to Accelerate Social Recovery: A White Paper

UK Campaign to End Loneliness, What Works Centre for Wellbeing

World Health Organization

WHO Global Campaign to Combat Ageism

Campaign to End Loneliness


275 Ontario Street Suite #100
Kingston, ON K7K 2X5
Phone: 613.546.9696
Fax: 613.531.9238

Community Foundation for Kingston & Area