2020 Grants Overview

Apr 20, 2021 | Featured, Grants – Community Grants

Your community has been challenged by the pandemic. The Community Foundation was, and continues to be, there to respond to emerging community needs.

But where does our funding come from?

Our granting resources typically come from over 220 endowment funds; funds established and donated to by people like you, as well as local businesses and organizations. Donations of any amount – small or large – are pooled together to establish a strong ripple effect in our community. This year we were fortunate to also receive over $500,000 from the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund, providing even greater granting capacity.

For Good 

We create and inspire community connections and strive to stimulate new ideas, build participation, and strengthen community philanthropy.

In 2020 we granted over $1.5 Million to a wide range of registered charities and projects that helped to build a more caring, healthy, and vibrant community. We are a 360-degree grant provider”. We take a broad view of community in our granting programs and are proud to provide grants to all sectors of need that strengthen and enhance the quality of life in the communities we serve.

For Ever

Our endowment fund model ensures that every dollar donated to us benefits the community – For Ever. Income earned is used to provide charitable grants every year. Donations to the Community Foundation are an investment in your community in perpetuity. To learn more visit: https://cfka.org/what-how-we-fund/

For All 

We serve and support any charity in Kingston & Area. ALL charities in the City of Kingston, the Frontenac Counties, and Loyalist Township are welcome to apply for grants. To date, we have funded over 365 local charities through our Community Grants program (see full list here).   

We thank you for your generosity and so do our Fall Grant Recipients. Head over to our YouTube channel to view a few short videos expressing thanks from the organizations doing the frontline work to enrich our communities.

“We are so excited to receive these funds that will go towards our Volunteer Program. The volunteers support our women, children and youth through our different services that we offer. Thank you.”

– Leigh Martins, Interval House Kingston.

275 Ontario Street Suite #100
Kingston, ON K7K 2X5
Phone: 613.546.9696
Fax: 613.531.9238
Email: info@cfka.org

Community Foundation for Kingston & Area