We want your photos!

May 29, 2017

“What current & inspiring photo do you have that captures the essence of your organization?”

Calling all Grant Recipients! If your organization has been a recent recipient of one of our Community Grants, the Regina Rosen Food First Fund grants, or the Stark Family Fund grants this is for you. The Community Foundation for Kingston & Area (CFKA) truly values and respects the work that your organizations are doing to help enhance our community through philanthropic initiatives, and by building a caring, healthy, and vibrant community.

The CFKA would like to highlight some of your amazing community work in upcoming publications, on our website, and through other social media channels. We are currently seeking photographs from recent grant recipients that CFKA can use for promotional use.  We are looking to showcase the positive outcomes of your community work in a visual rich context through engaging community photographs.

We would like to request that you submit at least one photograph, and up to five images that best demonstrate the essence of the amazing initiatives that your charity, or not for profit group have done, or are currently engaged in that reflect the core values of your organization. Perhaps you have the perfect photograph in your archives, or maybe this is a great opportunity to capture something that is current and inspiring?

We understand and acknowledge that you are busy in your day to day activities that make you an integral part of this community, so we appreciate your effort in supporting our photographic endeavours. Please see the small but pertinent details for submission below.

1.) All images must be high resolution photos in a jpeg format.

2.) If submitting images with people, please confirm they have consented to use for any promotional materials in or outside of your organization.

3.) Does the photographer mind if you use their image? Consent for use from the photographer if the photograph was not taken by anyone in your organization. Please provide an appropriate caption.

4.) All images submitted will become available for use to the Community Foundation Kingston & Area as they deem fit. By submitting your photos you expressly agree to the free use of said photographs, and acknowledge that all consent for use have been obtained.

5.) Images to be submitted no later than June 15th to becky@cfka.org

We would like to thank you for the amazing on-going work that your organization engages in. Without the efforts of your philanthropic spirits our community wouldn’t be as vibrant as it is today. We appreciate your support for photo submissions.

Warm Regards,



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165 Ontario Street Suite #6
Kingston, ON K7L 2Y6
Phone: 613.546.9696
Fax: 613.531.9238
Email: info@cfka.org
Community Foundation for Kingston & Area