Older Adults Connecting & Belonging Stream
Older Adults Connecting & Belonging
There is an epidemic of loneliness in Canada. Individuals and communities everywhere, including in Kingston and area, are feeling the negative impacts of social isolation on their health and wellbeing. Social isolation is objective and measurable. It can be defined as an individual’s lack of relationships and contacts with family, friends, neighbors, and others in the community. Loneliness is subjective. It can be defined as a feeling that arises when the quality or quantity of one’s social relationships does not meet their expectations. A person might have few social interactions and not feel lonely, while another person could have many social connections but still feel lonely. While loneliness can affect anyone, older adults are particularly impacted by social isolation.
Preventing, mitigating, and reducing the impacts of social isolation on older adults requires systemic change. Resilience refers to the capacity of individuals, families, and communities to adapt and thrive in the face of life’s challenges, changes, and stresses at any stage in life, from childhood through old age. The needs and strengths of individuals evolve over time and over the lifespan, and community supports must be diverse and adaptable to meet these changing needs effectively. To address social isolation and foster connection and belonging for older adults a collective impact approach has been encouraged, involving partnerships across private, non-profit, and public sectors, through coordinated and localized actions. (Government of Canada, 2022).
The OACB aims to be a collaborative initiative to unite community organizations and agencies serving older adults in the KFL&A region, who share the intent of reducing social isolation and fostering connection and belonging for older adults in the community. We are dedicated to fostering connections, finding productive synergies, developing systemic awareness of key local issues affecting the connection and belonging of older adults, and improving cross-sector communication. Our intent is to create sustainable connections and community-based solutions to prevent, mitigate, and reduce the impacts of social isolation on older adults in KFL&A that will have long-term impact.
We are excited about the potential impact of this work and look forward to working together as we build a more resilient and connected community for older adults.
Interested in applying?
Step 1: Please start by downloading the Applicant Guide for the OACB Grant Program. This document provides more information about the fund, eligible applicants and projects, and walks you through the application process.
Step 2: Complete and submit your Expression of Intent to oacb@cfka.org. A template for Expressions of Intent is found on page 11 of the Applicant Guide.
Step 3: Once you have submitted your Expression of Intent, the OACB Project Manager will be in touch to set up a meeting. CFKA aims to work with applicants in a partnership for success. You may receive feedback and suggestions to strengthen your Expression of Intent before it is reviewed by the OACB Steering Committee, who will provide feedback that can be incorporated into your proposal before you submit your formal application.
Step 4: Once you have received feedback on your Expression of Intent, complete your application through the online application portal. Instructions on how to log in, create an account, and register your organization can be found here.
Step 5: Your Application will be reviewed through a comprehensive internal review process in consultation with staff and subject matter experts. Applicants will be notified of the results of their application once a formal decision has been made.
Helpful Links
(*please ensure you have submitted and received feedback on your Expression of Intent before submitting your application)
Contact Us
Elizabeth Nelson
Project Manager, Older Adults Connecting & Belonging
613-546-9696, Ext. 108
For Professional Advisors
Benefits of Working With Us
Tools and Resources
How to Set Up a Fund
275 Ontario Street Suite #100
Kingston, ON K7K 2X5
Phone: 613.546.9696
Fax: 613.531.9238
Email: info@cfka.org
275 Ontario Street Suite #100
Kingston, ON K7K 2X5
Phone: 613.546.9696
Fax: 613.531.9238
Email: info@cfka.org